Exandrothe "Wrothe" Cardelagion the Goblin Celestial Warlock played by Andrew.

Finnegan the Halfling Valor Bard played by Zac.

Iyashi Tag'naftilliandral the Sea Elf Eldritch Knight Fighter played by Gareth.

Vyth the Lizardfolk Rune Knight Fighter played by Hamilton.

Dungeon Master played by Nick Rog.


Mr. Dory emerged from a secret passage the PCs had not noticed.

He gave them a potion pointed to his temple then walked back into the room he came from without saying a word.

The room he walked into was crisscrossed with bladed chains that he simply walked through.

The PCs followed him in and struggled to get past the chains.

They followed the corridor and found a bunch of Slaad tadpoles in a small pool.

Past the pool was a room with a few enemies which they made short work of.

The PCs found a secret door in this room and found that it led to a hallway connecting to the room they got their buts kicked the last session.

They went the other way down the hallway and found another small group of enemies.

Low on resources and health, they heard a commotion in the big room north of them.

They charged in to find the Cult of Flame had forced their way in the castle and were fighting the Slaad.

The PCs joined in and barely killed everyone other than the Warden they met. She escaped through a portal in the room.

The session ended with Vyth pulling a large lever on the ground and hearing a deep booming laugh, and screams of terror.