Some of the players have created high-level evil characters. They are trying to join the 13 Ionics. the inner circle of Theyus Eheem the big bad guy of this campaign. The 3 new PC’s were tasked with visiting Pharaoh Menkare and getting him to swear fidelity to Theyus or kill him. No matter what the outcome they are to bring back “The Eye of Grakzeldon” for Theyus. If they fail, they die. If they run, they die. If they succeed they are rewarded with huge amounts of power and spots in his 13 Ionics.

The PC’s:

Krilik: A Simic Grave Cleric who is fascinated by the moment when a person dies. He is trying to learn about this process by killing as many people as possible. He also carries a shield the contains the soul of a powerful Devil Dragon Red Abashi named Bombol, who is not only Krilick’s research partner,, but will do anything to be freed.

Davrath: The Armourer Artificer. Davrath lived many years as a horrific lich wizard who terrorized many people over many Demon Ages in Uuthral. His fun came to an end when a band of adventurers killed him and destroyed all his clones he had hidden away as insurance. All that remained was an unsuccessful clone that while housed all of his memories wasn’t able-bodied enough to do anything with them. Thus he began the study of building himself a working body. Using his knowledge to find powerful magical items he had heard of in the past to achieve his goal. He became more machine than man but wants nothing more than to have his old body back and his old power.

Silas / Hilophage: Wild Magic Sorcerer. Silas was once a good Svifniblen adventurer who came across an ancient red dragon mask. He put it on and now Silas is fighting the dragon for control, and the dragon is winning. Hilophage wants nothing more than to ditch this tiny Gnome’s body and get back his might dragon body again. For now, Silas and his body will have to do,

Krilik the Simic Grave Cleric Played by Hamilton

Davrath the half-elf Artificer Armorer play by Andrew

Silas/ Hilophaage the Wild Magic Sorceror played by Zac